Polish Vodka

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Polish Vodka

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Poland is the largest producer of vodka in the European Union and the fourth largest globally, after Russia, Ukraine, and the United States. The large volume of exports significantly improves Poland’s trade balance. The largest importers of Poland’s spirits are France and the United States. Other important export directions are Hungary, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, and Canada. Polish vodkas and spirits drinks also reach, in smaller volumes, markets as far away as Singapore, Hong Kong, and Chile.


(2013 data)

vodka exports – 40.25 million litres
spirits drinks exports – 50.75 million litres
value of vodka exports – EUR 120 million

62% European Union markets
21% USA
3% Canada
14% other countries

Did you know…?

Polska Wódka/Polish Vodka is a geographic indication covering alcohol-containing products that meet certain requirements regarding raw materials and technology. Poland secured the protection of this geographic indication during the accession negotiations with the European Union. In order to uphold the reputation and quality of vodka produced in Poland, vodkas bearing the indication Polska Wódka/Polish Vodka must be manufactured using a traditional recipe and Polish raw materials.  The term wódka can only be applied to beverages made from gains and potatoes, and if made of other agricultural products, it is necessary to name these products. The indication Polska Wódka/Polish Vodka may only be applied to products made of rye, wheat, oat, barley, and potatoes, and the entire process of production must take place in Poland. Polish vodka is the only Polish product to have a global brand so strongly associated with the country, which is why it is so important to protect its image and the related legal and economic interest in Poland and abroad. The indication Polska Wódka/Polish Vodka supports the efforts to this effect.

The legal basis for these arrangement is the act of 25 May 2012 amending the act on manufacturing of spirits drinks and on registration and protection of geographic indications of sprits drinks (Dz.U. of 2012 item 800) and its amendment dated 13 January 2013.


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